wch / extrafont

Tools for using fonts in R graphics
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Use with sweave and beamer #49

Open pascalschulthess opened 7 years ago

pascalschulthess commented 7 years ago


I wanted to use a custom font within my .Rnw beamer presentation. A minimal working example that reproduces the error is:

<<label = test, fig=TRUE, include=FALSE, echo=FALSE, message=FALSE>>=
ggplot(mtcars, aes(x=wt, y=mpg)) + geom_point() +
  ggtitle("Fuel Efficiency of 32 Cars") +
  xlab("Weight (x1000 lb)") + ylab("Miles per Gallon") +
  theme_bw() +
  theme(text=element_text(family="Garamond", size=14))

and the error message looks like this:

Writing to file test.tex
Processing code chunks with options ...
 1 : keep.source term verbatim (test.Rnw:6)
Registering fonts with R
 2 : keep.source term verbatim pdf  (label = test, test.Rnw:12)
Error in grid.Call.graphics(L_text, as.graphicsAnnot(x$label), x$x, x$y,  : 
  invalid font type
Calls: <Anonymous> ... drawDetails -> drawDetails.text -> grid.Call.graphics
In addition: There were 50 or more warnings (use warnings() to see the first 50)
Execution halted

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

stla commented 6 years ago

Hello @pascalschulthess Did you find a solution ? I'd like too using extrafont with Sweave.