wch / webshot

Take screenshots of web pages from R
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Screenshotting twitter stacks tweets #106

Open Cryptizism opened 3 years ago

Cryptizism commented 3 years ago

When screenshotting twitter with the following code (Making a discord bot, left out message parsing, on message func ect. so the code is clearer):

var webshot = require('webshot');
var settings = {
    renderDelay: 10000
webshot(web, 'screenshot.png', settings, function(err) {
      if (err){
        message.reply("There was an error in making the screenshot... (IGNORE, FOR DEBUGGING): " + err);
      } else {
        message.reply("Screenshot sucessful! Here is a screenshot of `"+ web +"` at <t:" + Date.now() + ":D> : ", {files: ["screenshot.png"]});

When I try screenshot: https://twitter.com/HarryButAverage/status/1414178617651834881 It outputs this mess: image Does anyone have any hunches as to why or any fixes? Thanks!