wch / webshot

Take screenshots of web pages from R
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rmdshot override params in render function #120

Closed RKonstantinR closed 1 year ago

RKonstantinR commented 1 year ago

There is a way to set custom parameters in "rmdshot" with "rmd_args" that override params specified within the YAML front-matter rmd or quarto document?


quarto doc:

title: "repex_rmdshot"
format: html
editor: visual
    col_name: "cyl"


mtcars %>% select(params$col_name)
### R script


webshot::rmdshot("repex_rmdshot.qmd", rmd_args = list(col_name = "mpg"), file = here::here("test.png"))

## My code is giving me an error:

Error in (function (input, output_format = NULL, output_file = NULL, output_dir = NULL, : unused argument (col_name = "mpg")

RKonstantinR commented 1 year ago

I'm sorry I figured it out. webshot::rmdshot("repex_rmdshot.qmd", rmd_args = list(params = list(col_name = "mpg")), file = here::here("test.png"))