wch / webshot

Take screenshots of web pages from R
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Input HTML string to webshot #79

Open tripartio opened 5 years ago

tripartio commented 5 years ago

I just learnt about webshot while looking for a solution to a problem: I would like to convert HTML tables (generated with R code) to images. Is there a way to specify an HTML string as input to webshot instead of a URL?

I think that this would be a common use case (see, for example, https://stackoverflow.com/questions/35056733/how-to-capture-html-output-as-png-in-r and https://stackoverflow.com/questions/45298144/convert-html-output-to-image). I would prefer not to have to create a temporary local HTML file if possible, but if that is the only solution, then I might have to try that. I haven't actually tried webshot yet, but I'm trying to learn of its capabilities before trying it out.