wchen342 / SketchyGAN

Code for paper "SketchyGAN: Towards Diverse and Realistic Sketch to Image Synthesis"
MIT License
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Augmented Database #10

Closed sitongsu closed 5 years ago

sitongsu commented 5 years ago

Hi,Dr chen: i am a freshman in cv, it's my first work in this field. And i really appreciate you work in this paper when i click the link of the augmented tfrecord dataset, it turns out to be "404 file not found". since the dataset was so large that i always failed in downloading it. so could you please upload a new download address or provide a new download method. thanks a lot

wchen342 commented 5 years ago

I apologize for the inconvenience. The website hosting my dataset (Onedrive Business) was linked to my college account and since I graduated it is no longer available. I haven't found any other website that will let me host 200G+ data for free, so I will suggest you fetch your own images by using the scripts I provided under data_processing folder.

sitongsu commented 5 years ago

thanks for your reply. i will try the crawler myself.

YellowPig-zp commented 5 years ago

Hi Dr.Chen, do you mind posting some instructions on the workflow for retrieving images and processing them? It would be a great help. Thanks!

wchen342 commented 5 years ago

The basic workflow is like this: collect images from Flickr with flickr_crawler.py -> clear out unrelated images with flickr_filter.py -> edge detection with batch_hed.py -> post-processing with PostprocessHED.m.