Closed JonnyBGod closed 9 years ago
Do you mean the data
folder in your local machine?
Just change ./data
in config.vm.synced_folder "./data", "/home/core/data", create: true, id: "core", :nfs => true, :mount_options => ['nolock,vers=3,udp']
to anything else.
Then $ vagrant up
No, sorry for poor explanation.
I mean ./data/wocker to .data/SOMETHING
And I dont mean creating a new container. The this is that I already worked a lot on a project under ./data/wocker and would like to change the folder to the project name.
I see. Which version are you using?
You can check it by core@wocker wocker version
Version: 0.3.1
When you create a new container, if you have a folder same as the container name, Wocker will use the folder.
core@wocker ~ $ wocker run --name myproject
If you need the database of the old container, export it before stopping container.
core@wocker ~ $ wocker exec -it wocker bash
root@****:/var/www/wordpress# wp --allow-root db export
Then import it after creating a new one
core@wocker ~ $ wocker exec -it myproject bash
root@****:/var/www/wordpress# wp --allow-root db import wordpress.sql
I'm a designer not familiar with CLI.
In my case, I wanted to create a container and assign a specific name but not rename an existing folder.
I can create containers by using core@wocker ~ $ wocker run
but the folder name would be something like this: /data/nostalgic_blackwell
I know I have to use the example core@wocker ~ $ wocker run --name wp
I'd thought I have to modify name
: core@wocker ~ $ wocker run --hogehoge wp
(I mistook wp
for a command)
However, after running core@wocker ~ $ wocker run --name hogehoge
, hogehoge
folder was created.
I mistook the meaning of name
It seems lighter than VCCW. I'll use it. Thanks.
黒い画面がほとんどわかっていないデザイナーです。 日本語で失礼します。
core@wocker ~ $ wocker run
だと、新規のコンテナが作れるのですが、 /data/nostalgic_blackwell のようになってしまう。
で、例えの core@wocker ~ $ wocker run --name wp を使うのですが、
フォルダに名前をつけるので、「name」のところ core@wocker ~ $ wocker run --hogehoge wp だと思っていました。 ( 「wp」は、ワードプレスを入れる指示かと。。。)
しかし、 core@wocker ~ $ wocker run --name hogehoge
VCCWより軽いし、これから使わせていただきます。 ありがとうございます。
Thanks! You're right.
in core@wocker ~ $ wocker run --name wp
should be your container name.
is an option of $ wocker run
You can also execute the command like this: core@wocker ~ $ wocker run --name="wp"
core@wocker ~ $ wocker run --name wp
では wp
は $ wocker run
このようにコマンドを実行することもできます: core@wocker ~ $ wocker run --name="wp"
is there any simple way to rename a container/data folder?