wcmc-its / ReCiter

ReCiter: an enterprise open source author disambiguation system for academic institutions
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First name scoring does not properly match in cases where nameMatchFirstType should be "full-conflictingAllButInitials" #474

Closed paulalbert1 closed 3 years ago

paulalbert1 commented 3 years ago


First name scoring is off since the most recent commit to master branch.

In general, there are far too many cases where nameMatchFirstType = full-exact.

Here are several thousand where nameMatchFirstType should = full-conflictingAllButInitials. Note there are a handful of false positives in here, which are hard to programmatically weed out using MySQL. For example: Levenshtein distance, "Gabriel Glenn" vs. "G Glenn", etc.

first name match errors-2021-08-20.csv



This was correct....

select pmid, nameMatchFirstScore, nameMatchFirstType, articleAuthorNameFirstName
from personArticle20210719
where personIdentifier = 'ajg9004'
and articleAuthorNameFirstName = 'Amita'

pmid    nameMatchFirstScore nameMatchFirstType  articleAuthorNameFirstName
24658103    -2.646  full-conflictingAllButInitials  Amita


This is incorrect....

select pmid, nameMatchFirstScore, nameMatchFirstType, articleAuthorNameFirstName
from personArticle
where personIdentifier = 'ajg9004'
and articleAuthorNameFirstName = 'Amita'

pmid    nameMatchFirstScore nameMatchFirstType  articleAuthorNameFirstName
24658103    0   full-exact  Amita