The existing Feature Generator by Group API /reciter/feature-generator/by/group currently returns a group of users according to these characteristics:
We need to allow curators the ability to return publications for an arbitrary, delimited list of person IDs independent of this list.
This will be used in Publication Manager so curators can input a group of person IDs (CWIDs), and curate those users' publications / report on them.
We need three new fields:
Authorized users can use Feature Generator by Group API to input a list of person IDs (uids). The IDs would be delimited.
The most common delimiters we can expect users to enter are: space, line break, tab, and comma. We can enforce the use of a particular delimiter if you wish, but it would be nice, if not required, to accommodate all of these. Note that for the Publication Manager use case, this could also be handled on the application side.
When the uids field is populated, all other fields are ignored – except maxArticlesPerPerson and totalStandardizedArticleScore.
Offset and limit
In addition, this API should be able to support OFFSET, LIMIT in the way that a SQL database does.
Offset is the count of the first record, and limit is the number of results returned.
The existing Feature Generator by Group API
currently returns a group of users according to these characteristics:We need to allow curators the ability to return publications for an arbitrary, delimited list of person IDs independent of this list.
This will be used in Publication Manager so curators can input a group of person IDs (CWIDs), and curate those users' publications / report on them.
We need three new fields:
Authorized users can use Feature Generator by Group API to input a list of person IDs (uids). The IDs would be delimited.
The most common delimiters we can expect users to enter are: space, line break, tab, and comma. We can enforce the use of a particular delimiter if you wish, but it would be nice, if not required, to accommodate all of these. Note that for the Publication Manager use case, this could also be handled on the application side.
When the uids field is populated, all other fields are ignored – except maxArticlesPerPerson and totalStandardizedArticleScore.
Offset and limit
In addition, this API should be able to support OFFSET, LIMIT in the way that a SQL database does.
Offset is the count of the first record, and limit is the number of results returned.