wcmille / GVAS2

GVA Season 2 MES
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Suggestion: Add 'Faction Headquarters" for each NPC faction #159

Open SiliconMoose opened 11 months ago

SiliconMoose commented 11 months ago

Give each faction a physical headquarters, either in space or on the planet. Something that is both well defended and provides unique services to allied player factions.

A few example services

wcmille commented 11 months ago

I've thought about putting some kind of space port or other building inside the territory safe zone. I've also thought that I could have a ship sales building as an NPC building spawn. I'd love to put an "embassy" at Farpoint that uses a sensor so that you can only get in the embassy if you are neutral or allied to that faction.

If we sell faction NPC ships at those, they'd probably need a little bit extra work for toolbars, extra thrust, and so on.

wcmille commented 11 months ago

See: https://discord.com/channels/470362839752900608/1186510214711738368/1186513696957157487