wcoder / Xamarin.BlurView

Dynamic iOS-like blur of underlying Views for Android.
Apache License 2.0
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Blur effect in Xamarin.Forms project #6

Closed dejanbasic closed 3 years ago

dejanbasic commented 4 years ago

Hi, I am trying to implement blur effect in Xamarin.Forms project. I accomplished to get blur effect on iOS, by using built-in platform-specifics, and now I am trying to implement it on Android, by using this library. I tried sample project for Xamarin.Forms, with custom renderer for Android, but everything I get is transparent overlay, which is not blurred at all:


Am I missing something here, or what I am doing wrong?

wcoder commented 3 years ago

Hi, sorry for the delay.

This library currently does not provide support for Xamarin.Forms out of the box, but you can do it via custom controls or effects.

Also, highly recommended to use Sharpnado.MaterialFrame to make views blurring.