Closed wcornwell closed 1 year ago
I've made a map with our data, but the example code I based this off was looking at magpie observations. So I think the map I made shows the total number of observations of plants in each hexagon of Aus, rather than the species count? Although I'm not even sure about that. Can you have a look at it and see how we can map specifically species counts?
This is the code I mostly followed:
# packages
#read in our data and have a look at the first few rows
species <- read.csv(file = "locations_endemic_genera.csv")
species %>% head()
#filter to exclude all unclear endemic status and NA coordinates
endemic_species <- species %>% filter(current_knowledge == "endemic", decimalLatitude != "NA", decimalLongitude != "NA")
#making the map
aus <- st_transform(ozmaps::ozmap_country, 4326)
grid_all <- st_make_grid(aus,
cellsize = 1,
what = "polygons",
square = FALSE,
flat_topped = TRUE)
ggplot() +
geom_sf(data = grid_all)
# extract rows that are within AUS land
keep_hexes <- st_intersects(grid_all, aus) %>% %>%
# filter full grid to only hexagon IDs in AUS
oz_grid <- grid_all[keep_hexes]
ggplot() + geom_sf(data = oz_grid)
#how many species are in each hexagon?
#convert points to an sf spatial object
species_points_sf <- endemic_species %>%
st_as_sf(coords = c("decimalLongitude", "decimalLatitude"),
crs = st_crs(4326))
#this bit takes a while to compute...
#intersect returns a list where each data.frame within the list shows which hexagon ID each point is within
intersect <- st_intersects(species_points_sf, oz_grid)
# condense counts into tibble
#With all points in their own separate data.frame, we can use the wicked-fast table() function from base R to count how many points match each hexagon ID, giving us our point counts! A little renaming and wrangling helps to get our counts in the right format.
counts <- as_tibble(table(unlist(intersect)),
.name_repair = "unique") %>%
rename("hex_id" = 1,
"count" = 2) %>%
mutate(hex_id = as.integer(hex_id)) %>%
replace_na(list(count = 0))
# add our count column from complete_counts to our oz_grid
oz_grid <- oz_grid %>%
as_tibble() %>%
mutate(id = row_number()) %>%
by = join_by(id == hex_id)) %>%
oz_grid |> head()
#build the map
ggplot() +
geom_sf(data = oz_grid, aes(fill = count), size = .01) +
scale_fill_gradientn(colours = c("#EEECEA", "#E06E53"),
na.value = "white",
trans = "log10",
labels = scales::comma_format(),
n.breaks = 6,
guide = guide_colourbar(title = "Observations")) +
coord_sf(ylim = c(-45, -10),
xlim = c(110, 155)) +
try adding this bit in the middle
species_points_sf %>%
group_by(grid_id,genus) %>%
summarize(geometry=geometry[1]) -> one_gen_per_grid
intersect2 <- st_intersects(one_gen_per_grid, oz_grid)
counts <- as_tibble(table(unlist(intersect2)),
.name_repair = "unique") %>%
rename("hex_id" = 1,
"count" = 2) %>%
mutate(hex_id = as.integer(hex_id)) %>%
replace_na(list(count = 0))
the key is to reduce the intersect object to only one count per genus per grid cell
better for the mapping:
#build the map
ggplot() +
geom_sf(data = oz_grid, aes(fill = count), size = .01) +
scale_fill_continuous(type = "viridis",na.value="white")+
coord_sf(ylim = c(-45, -10),
xlim = c(110, 155)) +
labs(fill="Number of endemic \n Australian plant genera")
Note: Change colour scheme to be better for red-green values
# packages
#read in our data and have a look at the first few rows
species <- read.csv(file = "locations_endemic_genera_v2.csv")
species %>% head()
#filter to exclude all unclear endemic status and NA coordinates
endemic_species <- species %>% filter(current_knowledge == "endemic", decimalLatitude != "NA", decimalLongitude != "NA")
#making the map
aus <- st_transform(ozmaps::ozmap_country, 4326)
grid_all <- st_make_grid(aus,
cellsize = 1,
what = "polygons",
square = FALSE,
flat_topped = TRUE)
ggplot() +
geom_sf(data = grid_all)
# extract rows that are within AUS land
keep_hexes <- st_intersects(grid_all, aus) %>% %>%
# filter full grid to only hexagon IDs in AUS
oz_grid <- grid_all[keep_hexes]
ggplot() + geom_sf(data = oz_grid)
#how many species are in each hexagon?
#convert points to an sf spatial object
species_points_sf <- endemic_species %>%
st_as_sf(coords = c("decimalLongitude", "decimalLatitude"),
crs = st_crs(4326))
#this bit takes a while to compute...
#intersect returns a list where each data.frame within the list shows which hexagon ID each point is within
intersect <- st_intersects(species_points_sf, oz_grid)
# condense counts into tibble
#With all points in their own separate data.frame, use table() to count how many points match each hexagon ID, giving us our point counts. A little renaming and wrangling helps to get our counts in the right format.
species_points_sf %>%
group_by(grid_id,genus) %>%
summarize(geometry=geometry[1]) -> one_gen_per_grid
intersect2 <- st_intersects(one_gen_per_grid, oz_grid)
counts <- as_tibble(table(unlist(intersect2)),
.name_repair = "unique") %>%
rename("hex_id" = 1,
"count" = 2) %>%
mutate(hex_id = as.integer(hex_id)) %>%
replace_na(list(count = 0))
# add our count column from complete_counts to our oz_grid
oz_grid <- oz_grid %>%
as_tibble() %>%
mutate(id = row_number()) %>%
by = join_by(id == hex_id)) %>%
oz_grid |> head()
#build the map
ggplot() +
geom_sf(data = oz_grid, aes(fill = count), size = .01) +
scale_fill_continuous(type = "viridis",na.value="white")+
coord_sf(ylim = c(-45, -10),
xlim = c(110, 155)) +
labs(fill="Number of endemic \n Australian plant genera")
map of number of species in endemic genera