Open adelegem opened 1 year ago
code to do by genera instead of species within genera
#youll probs have all of this first bit already
points <-read.csv('C:/Users/adele/Documents/BEES3041/endemism/endemism/data/endemic_locations/locations_endemic_genera_v2.csv')
all <- read_csv('intermediate_data/all_gen_with_status.csv')
non_end <- all %>%
subset(endemism_status == 'non-endemic')
end <- all %>%
subset(endemism_status == 'endemic')
points <- points[!points$genus %in% non_end$genus, ]
points$current_knowledge <- 'endemic'
#download IBRA bioregions
bioregions <- things::ibra7_albers
crs_4326 <- CRS("+init=EPSG:4326")
bioregions <- spTransform(bioregions, crs_4326)
#convert to sf
bioregions_df <- st_as_sf(bioregions)
#create sf file for points
species_points_sf <- points %>%
st_as_sf(coords = c("decimalLongitude", "decimalLatitude"),
crs = st_crs(4326))
#join occurence with bioregions
species_bioregion_sf <- st_join(species_points_sf, bioregions_df, join = st_within)
#and then it gets different from here
unique_genera_bioregion_sf <- species_bioregion_sf %>%
distinct(REG_NAME_7, genus, .keep_all = TRUE) # .keep_all = TRUE ensures all columns are kept
genera_counts_per_bioregion <- unique_genera_bioregion_sf %>%
group_by(REG_NAME_7) %>%
summarise(genera_count = n(), REG_NAME_7 = first(REG_NAME_7))
IBRA_grid_bio_gen <- merged_sf %>%
as_tibble() %>%
mutate(id = REG_NAME_7) %>%
by = join_by(id == REG_NAME_7)) %>%
IBRA_grid_bio_gen$area <- NA
IBRA_grid_bio_gen$area <- st_area(IBRA_grid_bio_gen[1])
IBRA_grid_bio_gen$prop_count <- IBRA_grid_bio_gen$genera_count/IBRA_grid_bio_gen$area
# Removing the "[1/m²]" unit from 'prop_count' column
IBRA_grid_bio_gen$prop_count <- gsub("\\s*\\[1/m²\\]", "", IBRA_grid_bio_gen$prop_count)
# Convert 'prop_count' to numeric (if it's currently stored as character)
IBRA_grid_bio_gen$prop_count <- as.numeric(IBRA_grid_bio_gen$prop_count)
#to produce density/km2
IBRA_grid_bio_gen$prop_count <- IBRA_grid_bio_gen$prop_count * 1000000
bio_gen_count <- ggplot() +
geom_sf(data = IBRA_grid_bio_gen, aes(fill = genera_count), size = .01) +
scale_fill_gradientn(colours = c("orange", "blue"),
na.value = "white",
labels = scales::comma_format(),
n.breaks = 6,
guide = guide_colourbar(title = "endemic genera")) +
coord_sf(ylim = c(-45, -10),
xlim = c(110, 155)) +
labs(x = 'longtiude', y = 'latitude') +
ggsave('bio_gen_count.png', plot = bio_gen_count)
bioregion_prop_gen <- ggplot() +
geom_sf(data = IBRA_grid_bio_gen, aes(fill = prop_count), size = .01) +
colours = c("orange", "blue"),
na.value = "white",
trans = "log10",
labels = scales::comma_format(),
n.breaks = 6,
guide = guide_colourbar(title = "endemic genera \nper km²")
) +
coord_sf(ylim = c(-45, -10),
xlim = c(110, 155)) +
labs(x = 'longitude', y = 'latitude') +
ggsave('bioregion_prop_gen.png', plot = bioregion_prop_gen)
EDIT: this line unique_species_bioregion_sf <- species_bioregion_sf %>% distinct(REG_NAME_7, species, .keep_all = TRUE) # .keep_all = TRUE ensures all columns are kept