wcrasta / ESPN-Fantasy-Basketball

Free Fantasy Basketball tools for ESPN Leagues
MIT License
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Fixes for table class names and updated year #16

Closed richiehu17 closed 3 years ago

richiehu17 commented 3 years ago

Changed various table class names used in beautiful soup parsing of scoreboard/standings pages.

Works locally for me in chrome. Not sure about anything else.

wcrasta commented 3 years ago

Thanks for the PR @richiehu17, really appreciate you trying to fix the code.

I hope to review the PR this week and will aim to merge it in by the weekend. Will follow up with you via email or here if I have any questions.

wcrasta commented 3 years ago

@richiehu17 Looks good to me! I merged it in. Working on deploying it and will let you know when it's live.