wctsai20002 / navicat-refresh

Reset Navicat Premium 17 trial
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A nicer bat file #9

Open matthiscock opened 2 months ago

matthiscock commented 2 months ago

Thanks for your research on this. It might be nice to improve the bat file to allow this to run automatically.

Here is an example:

@echo off

if not exist "%userprofile%\Documents\Navicat\navicat-refresh.bat" (
    echo "Setting up Navicat Refresh BAT"
    echo "-> Move to right place if not there already"
    echo "-> Setup a schedular"
    echo "-> Initially run it"
    echo ""

    echo ""
    echo "Copying file to Documents \ Navicat \"
    xcopy /I /Y "%~f0" "%userprofile%\Documents\Navicat\" >nul 2>&1

    :: /create new sch, weekly, per 1 week, named NavicatRefresh, Run Bat file, 
    schtasks /create /sc WEEKLY /mo 1 /tn NavicatRefresh /tr %userprofile%\Documents\Navicat\navicat-refresh.bat

    echo ""
    echo "Setup scxhedule to run weekly"
    echo "Opening new window for this to run for the first time....."
    start "new window" "cmd /c "%userprofile%\Documents\Navicat\%~nx0""
    echo "This script will now exit"
    exit /b 1

:: Check location
if not exist "%userprofile%\Documents\Navicat\" (
    >&2 echo User \ Documents \ Navicat folder not exist
    exit /b 1

if "%~dp0" == "%userprofile%\Documents\Navicat\" goto :main

echo %~f0
echo "Running the refresh"
@echo off

:: Navicat 17 / 16 / 15

echo Deleting HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\PremiumSoft\NavicatPremium\Update
reg delete HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\PremiumSoft\NavicatPremium\Update /f

echo Delete HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\PremiumSoft\NavicatPremium\Registration[version and language]
for /f "tokens=*" %%i in ('REG QUERY "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\PremiumSoft\NavicatPremium" /s ^| findstr /L "Registration"') do (
    reg delete "%%i" /va /f

echo Deleting Info and ShellFolder under HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Classes\CLSID
for /f "tokens=*" %%k in ('reg query "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Classes\CLSID"') do (
    reg query "%%k" /f "Info" /s /e | findstr /i "Info" >nul && reg delete "%%k" /f
    reg query "%%k" /f "ShellFolder" /s /e | findstr /i "ShellFolder" >nul && reg delete "%%k" /f

echo Finished
wctsai20002 commented 2 months ago

Thank you for the suggestion! Automating the process through a script is a great idea, especially for users who are familiar with scripting. However, since we cannot confirm that deleting the Info folders and ShellFolder under CLSID won’t impact other processes, it's safer for most users to use the Windows Task Scheduler GUI. This approach helps remind users of the steps they’re taking and how to delete the task if it's no longer needed. I’ll be adding a guide to the README for setting up the task through the GUI, which provides a more user-friendly and controlled method.

wctsai20002 commented 2 months ago

FYI: Another approach for automating the script is to edit the shortcut of Navicat and change the target to something like "C:\Users\name\Desktop\navicat-refresh.bat" & "C:\Program Files\PremiumSoft\Navicat Premium 17\navicat.exe". However, I don’t believe this is a good approach.