wdemp / aws-solutions-architect-associate-prep

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SAA Whizlabs Test 3 #2

Open wdemp opened 4 years ago

wdemp commented 4 years ago


wdemp commented 4 years ago


I got half of this question correct. I understood why I selected A, I struggled with either C or D. C makes more sense when you say it out loud. "Encrypt the DB during creation" you want to encrypt it and you're going to anyway so get started on it immediately. Not a trick question or hard concept to understand.

wdemp commented 4 years ago


wdemp commented 4 years ago


As I read over the question again. I remember out last session we talked about DynamoDB tables. WE discussed that it is primarily used for organizing large amounts of data that is used frequently, hence why high availability is crucial. I'll go over DynamoDB more.

wdemp commented 4 years ago


wdemp commented 4 years ago


This one was really bad. It was clearly D and I should have read this one more thoroughly.

wdemp commented 4 years ago


wdemp commented 4 years ago


I chose answer C because of the "queue" that was used with the SQS FIFO. Since the question wanted an answer that involves storing the write operations, all the other answers would have been too excessive to use for such micro amounts of data. I'll read further into the explanation.

wdemp commented 4 years ago


wdemp commented 4 years ago


This was very straight forward. I know enough about IAM policy and roles to know when it should be applied and how the wording should look.

wdemp commented 4 years ago


wdemp commented 4 years ago


This one was bad, I should have been able to get this one right easily. I'll look over Aurora more.

wdemp commented 4 years ago


wdemp commented 4 years ago


This one was very straight forward.

wdemp commented 4 years ago


wdemp commented 4 years ago

This only required me to read the question(obviously) but I just reacted when I saw the question. I knew and understood the terminology. This wasn't completely all memorization.

wdemp commented 4 years ago


wdemp commented 4 years ago

This was wrong due to not knowing enough about IOPS. More review needed.

wdemp commented 4 years ago


wdemp commented 4 years ago

I need to learn more about AWS Managed Microsoft AD. I didn't really understand all this.

wdemp commented 4 years ago


wdemp commented 4 years ago

This one I just didn't understand and rushed at first. After re-reading the question I understand the issue.

wdemp commented 4 years ago


wdemp commented 4 years ago

I think this was a result of memorization.

wdemp commented 4 years ago


wdemp commented 4 years ago

This was very straight forward so no analysis needed. I know why I chose B and it was because I memorized the Q&A

wdemp commented 4 years ago


wdemp commented 4 years ago

I understood all of this and knew why I chose the answer I did.

wdemp commented 4 years ago


wdemp commented 4 years ago

I read this one too fast and I understand why it's wrong

wdemp commented 4 years ago

image I understood this one very fast

wdemp commented 4 years ago


I really didn't know about this answer or part of the service

wdemp commented 4 years ago


This one was bad and I read and answered too fast

wdemp commented 4 years ago


of course i was going to get this one correct

wdemp commented 4 years ago


wdemp commented 4 years ago

Key words were US region, Europe region, I more or less know what Route 53 is for

wdemp commented 4 years ago


I chose the only options that deal with restoration

wdemp commented 4 years ago


wdemp commented 4 years ago

I should have remembered the example you and I discussed about RDS and Dynamo DB. Dynamo DB was set it up and leave. RDS was have someone their at all times monitoring.

wdemp commented 4 years ago


I read the explanation and i clearly misread this question.

wdemp commented 4 years ago


This was from not knowing NACL VS SG

wdemp commented 4 years ago


This was a no brainer, thankfully I got it right

wdemp commented 4 years ago


Misread and got it wrong, I got 1/3 of it correct

wdemp commented 4 years ago


This was easy once I saw "real time"

wdemp commented 4 years ago


Didn't read this well enough or understand it

wdemp commented 4 years ago


easy one

wdemp commented 4 years ago


Paused and second guessed, but ultimately returned to my original answer

wdemp commented 4 years ago


I got lucky on this one. I was really fixated on IAM Policy until I realized there was no efficient way to truly isolate the selected users from accessing the S3 bucket. C was the only one that could effectively isolate and grant proper access to the S3 bucket. it was also more efficient to send an access url then making an individual IAM policy for each user.

wdemp commented 4 years ago


I know jut enough about networking to get this one right

wdemp commented 4 years ago


I can't remember what that policy was at all.