wdv4758h / notes

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血之祕史:科學革命時代的醫學與謀殺故事 #72

Open wdv4758h opened 7 years ago

wdv4758h commented 7 years ago


原文: Blood Work: A Tale of Medicine and Murder in the Scientific Revolution ISBN: 9789866841538 博客來: http://www.books.com.tw/products/0010630643 Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Blood-Work-Medicine-Scientific-Revolution/dp/0393342239

wdv4758h commented 7 years ago

故事以法國醫生 Jean-Baptiste Denys 為主軸,講述輸血相關技術的歷史發展與背後牽扯到的宗教文化問題。


wdv4758h commented 7 years ago

"blood" 相關詞彙: