we-bridge / vagrant-ansible-symfony

A template Vagrant Symfony2 project setup, supporting mixed Linux/OSX/Windows host environments
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php service not starting when vagrant up , vagrant reload -provision , vagrant provision #23

Open cAstraea opened 8 years ago

cAstraea commented 8 years ago

I'm running on windows 10 , have to manually start the service from ssh (sudo service php5-fpm start) everytime I run vagrant up. No clue how to fix it sorry >.<

Another problem I ran into was with the smb share , first I had to put this at the top when running vagrant up from the git bash shell ENV["VAGRANT_DETECTED_OS"] = ENV["VAGRANT_DETECTED_OS"].to_s + " cygwin" and had a problem with the windows account username and password input not being hidden which I could fix based on gawbul's comment https://github.com/mitchellh/vagrant/issues/5624#issuecomment-160473599 and changing the synced folder line to config.vm.synced_folder "./", "/vagrant", type: "smb",smb_username: username, smb_password: password, mount_options: ['ip='] #host side of :private_network If there is any better way please let me know ~

thomas-barthelemy commented 8 years ago

I'm running on windows 10 , have to manually start the service from ssh (sudo service php5-fpm start) everytime I run vagrant up. No clue how to fix it sorry

you could add that at the end of the VagrantFile

  config.vm.provision :shell, run: "always", inline: "service php5-fpm restart"

We really need to update those repository to our current dev.

as for the the other things, it really depends on the term you are using, and Win10 made it quite complicated to handle properly. Soon that might be solved with the new Win10 Ubuntu Bash!