we-dance / platform-v3

Community platform for dancers
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Review the presentation by Alex #133

Open LukaszDoubleU opened 1 year ago

LukaszDoubleU commented 1 year ago


  1. Explains what is WeDance
  2. Roadmap for newjoiners at WeDance
  3. Communication with outside world (like organizers)
LukaszDoubleU commented 1 year ago

Check all the text via some spell/phrase checker. There are lots of small bits across the entire presentation that look silly.


  1. Consider rephrasing to "(...) and find dance events" or "(...) and find a dance event".

  2. This metric in only valid if you express it per time unit, ie. 4.7K visitors/day. Also I would change the order from Visitors 4,7k to 4.7k Visitors or Visitors: 4,7k image

  3. Rephrase to "on Facebook, Whatsapp". In general: check the spelling, writing things like "Whatsap" already is jarring.

  4. Consider putting words "dancer" and "traveller" in bold. Do the titles in Extra Bold/Black


  1. Obviously, find more fitting illustrations in the same style :)


  1. Spelling: "you dont's need to book a studio".
  2. Some of the last sentences end with a period, some don't. Get that consistent.


  1. Speeling: "eliminating th hustle of back-and-forth"


  1. Rephrase "Publish an event and every memeber of the community"


  1. WAY too many images. Consider simplifying. image
  2. Youtube -> YouTube
  3. Interviews with dancers -> Dancer interviews
  4. Every single item should be either a single line or should have white space around it. Things like

Google Spreadsheet kizobma events newsletter

look like:

And we want to communicate: