we-dance / platform-v3

Community platform for dancers
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Define drivers for V3 #134

Open LukaszDoubleU opened 1 year ago

LukaszDoubleU commented 1 year ago

As described here:


@razbakov , any due date when I should be ready with this?

LukaszDoubleU commented 1 year ago

Top Level

  1. Current Situation a. There is a general scatter of information about dance related events: workshops, festivals, etc across social media platforms, IM chats etc. b. If we factor in different cities in different countries it gets even more complicated
  2. Effect a. It might be hard in some cases to know about all events happening in the city one is living in b. It will be way harder to get around situation for different cities
  3. Need a. WeDance needs to combine all these information into a single, easy to navigate platform
  4. Impact a. Dancers have only 1 place to look for infomation which is very time-saving and convenient b. WeDance gets a lot of users.

Version 3

  1. Current Situation a. Lack of a well defined unified design system b. Lack of clear coordination & organization c. Many disruptions linked with spotaneus discovery of tools & methodologies among constant research d. Fully functioning platform, although with a lot of room for UX improvement e. Current infrastructure is not optimal both in terms of cost & scalability (user growth)
  2. Effect a. It's hard to convey WeDance visual identity as well as design rules among the designers. b. General chaos & confusion among volunteers. Barely anyone knows where they stand regarding parts of work & general short-term direction. c. Despite the innovation all discoveries can bring the detremental effect is that dailies are not dailies, they fluctuate from meeting to meeting. d. Some, even pretty vital things in UI are not clearly communicated; many things are not visually consistent. e. The infrastructure is expensive, while it might be cheaper according to even a preliminary research. There is fear that with more users whole platform might start to bleed performance.
  3. Need a. Unified, well defined design system b. More order & short term definition regarding taks/subprojects. c. Retain research & discoveries, while at the same time keep the meetings about what they are. d. Improve the UX issues. e. Change of the infrastructure to something more fitting the economic & performance needs
  4. Impact a. All the desingers are using pre-baked Figma components to create quick consistent designs. All the users enjoy a consistent, improved UI with improved UX. b. Everyone knows what each meeting is about by just reading the agenda. Everyone knows short-term goal they work towards, morale & work orientation rises. c. By using, for example, Agile methodology everything discovered for a current sprint is implemented in that sprint, no new things are introduced so the amount of new stuff is not overwhelming. The work is locked for a given range of innovation, the rest of discoveries await to be implemented for next sprints and are written down so they don't get lost. d. Improved UX - better usability, better ease of use, generally happier users. e. Move the platform to another, more cost and performance effective infrastructure (probably AWS as @razbakov reseearched)

Version 3 but long story short

We have poor coordination & product planning as well as not the best infrastructure: there is no defined design system, no fixed way of leading and coordinating tasks, lots of new discoveries on tools & methods based disruptions, all in all a working platform but with room to improve and infrastructure that could be more cost and performance effective.. We need a clear way of working on planning & product design so our work can proceed in a clear and smooth way as well as a more cost and performance effective infrastructure.

LukaszDoubleU commented 1 year ago

@razbakov ,

Please review! If you have any other specifics for Current Situation part I can take these through rest of the stepes and propose solutions if I have any :)

razbakov commented 1 year ago

@LukaszDoubleU wow very deep!

We need to simplify it. Driver is a 1-2 sentences about 1 specific situation to navigate via tension. "Current Situation, Effect, Need, Impact" - is a helper to understand the structure of the story, no need to mention them. Example: "The kitchen is in disorder: there are no clean cups, the sink is full of dishes and it’s not possible to quickly grab a coffee and get right back to work. We need the kitchen in a usable state so we can stay focused on our work”.

LukaszDoubleU commented 1 year ago

@LukaszDoubleU wow very deep!

We need to simplify it. Driver is a 1-2 sentences about 1 specific situation to navigate via tension. "Current Situation, Effect, Need, Impact" - is a helper to understand the structure of the story, no need to mention them. Example: "The kitchen is in disorder: there are no clean cups, the sink is full of dishes and it’s not possible to quickly grab a coffee and get right back to work. We need the kitchen in a usable state so we can stay focused on our work”.

I updated the end of my post to put it all in a single paragraph.

razbakov commented 1 year ago

@LukaszDoubleU the summary doesn't address the need for New Product Concept (next major version). And it contains multiple tensions that should be described as different drivers (situation has multiple "and").