we-dance / platform-v3

Community platform for dancers
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Dev Onboarding #51

Open razbakov opened 2 years ago

razbakov commented 2 years ago


Do the following challenges and post link to your stackblitz project in dev-team channel on Slack.

Challenge 1: XArray

We want to see that you know how to use v-model, props, watchers and emitters to get the desired outcome. There are 2 main building concepts in WeDance platform, and this one is one of the most important one. Once you know how it works, you can work on more complex things.


Challenge 2: XForm

Another building concept is a form generator. Here you will need to use <component> tag ;)


Challenge 3: Headless Component

Do you know how to use render function?


Challenge 4: Setup Project

  1. Follow Setup in the project’s readme file - github.com/we-dance/platform
  2. Deploy project on Netlify. Name your site on Netlify like this: wedance-username.netlify.app, where username is your Github username.
  3. Post a link to deployed site in the comments.

Challenge 5: Harvard CS50

Do CS50 Harvard Course and share your problem set solutions in dev slack channel https://cs50.harvard.edu/college/2022/fall/

Next Steps

Read Dev Circle Wiki

yulluone commented 1 year ago


yulluone commented 1 year ago
