weDevsOfficial / wp-recaptcha-integration

WordPress reCaptcha integration supporting Ninja Forms and Contact Form 7
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captcha dont show in comments #35

Closed adambako closed 9 years ago

adambako commented 9 years ago

hi, i just installed your plugin. it shows fine in my contact form 7 and login page.. but don't shows in my comments form..

please let me know how to let if work.. i just changed from other plugin that was working but bots were able to submit comments without js.. we got lot of spam comments so i want to try your plugin.

i see there is some setting about comments, but it dont work if checked and also if unchecked.. and i don't know what type of comments render we use.. i can just send you link if it helps..

thanks a lot

adambako commented 9 years ago

hi.. can you please give me some feedback? we need to protect our comments asap..

can be the issue that we rename standard wp-comments-post.php file?? this is our site

your plugin is enabled and working well in contact from7


mcguffin commented 9 years ago

HI, did you already look here?

adambako commented 9 years ago


i did now.. but sorry my friend, i'm not a programmer.. i don't think we use custom comment form.. we use professional template from

only what i did was rename the wp-comments-post.php file to another name and than change it in some template php file..

so you are saying we have to add some code to our template to get your plugin work ?

adambako commented 9 years ago

hi, ok i thing i understad now you mean "custom theme" also our bought theme.. so yes, we got custom comment form..

can you help us with that code? this is what we got.. and it will be nice if the captcha was before the submit button..

thx again

<?php if (comments_open() || have_comments()) : ?>

    <div id="comments" class="uk-margin">

        <?php if (have_comments()) : ?>

            <h2 class="uk-h3"><?php printf(__('Comments (%s)', 'warp'), get_comments_number()); ?></h2>


                $classes = array("level1");

                if (get_option('comment_registration') && !is_user_logged_in()) {
                    $classes[] = "no-response";

                if (get_option('thread_comments')) {
                    $classes[] = "nested";


            <ul class="uk-comment-list">

                // single comment
                function mytheme_comment($comment, $args, $depth)
                    global $user_identity;

                    $GLOBALS['comment'] = $comment;

                    $_GET['replytocom'] = get_comment_ID();
                        <article id="comment-<?php comment_ID(); ?>" class="uk-comment <?php echo ($comment->user_id > 0) ? 'uk-comment-primary' : '';?>">

                            <header class="uk-comment-header">

                                <?php echo get_avatar($comment, $size='50', null, 'Avatar'); ?>

                                <h3 class="uk-comment-title"><?php echo get_comment_author_link(); ?></h3>

                                <p class="uk-comment-meta">
                                    <time datetime="<?php echo get_comment_date('Y-m-d'); ?>"><?php printf(__('%1$s at %2$s', 'warp'), get_comment_date(), get_comment_time()) ?></time>
                                    | <a class="permalink" href="<?php echo htmlspecialchars(get_comment_link($comment->comment_ID)) ?>">#</a>
                                    <?php edit_comment_link(__('Edit'),'| ','') ?>


                            <div class="uk-comment-body">

                                <?php comment_text(); ?>

                                <?php if (comments_open() && $args['max_depth'] > $depth) : ?>
                                <p class="js-reply"><a href="#" rel="<?php comment_ID(); ?>"><?php echo __('<i class="uk-icon-reply"></i> Reply', 'warp'); ?></a></p>
                                <?php endif; ?>

                                <?php if ($comment->comment_approved == '0') : ?>
                                <div class="uk-alert"><?php _e('Your comment is awaiting moderation.', 'warp'); ?></div>
                                <?php endif; ?>



                    // </li> is rendered by system


            <?php echo $this->render("_pagination", array("type"=>"comments")); ?>

        <?php endif; ?>

        <div id="respond">

            <h2 class="uk-h3"><?php (comments_open()) ? comment_form_title(__('Leave a comment', 'warp')) : _e('Comments are closed', 'warp'); ?></h2>

            <?php if (comments_open()) : ?>

                <?php if (get_option('comment_registration') && !is_user_logged_in()) : ?>
                    <div class="uk-alert uk-alert-warning"><?php printf(__('You must be <a href="%s">logged in</a> to post a comment.', 'warp'), wp_login_url(get_permalink())); ?></div>
                <?php else : ?>

                    <form class="uk-form" action="<?php echo get_option('siteurl'); ?>/wp-comments-post.php" method="post">

                        <?php if (is_user_logged_in()) : ?>

                            <?php global $user_identity; ?>

                            <p><?php printf(__('Logged in as <a href="%s">%s</a>.', 'warp'), get_option('siteurl').'/wp-admin/profile.php', $user_identity); ?> <a href="<?php echo wp_logout_url(get_permalink()); ?>" title="<?php _e('Log out of this account', 'warp'); ?>"><?php _e('Log out &raquo;', 'warp'); ?></a></p>

                        <?php else : ?>

                            <?php $req = get_option('require_name_email');?>

                            <div class="uk-form-row <?php if ($req) echo "required"; ?>">
                                <input type="text" name="author" placeholder="<?php _e('Name', 'warp'); ?> <?php if ($req) echo "*"; ?>" value="<?php echo esc_attr($comment_author); ?>" <?php if ($req) echo "aria-required='true'"; ?>>

                            <div class="uk-form-row <?php if ($req) echo "required"; ?>">
                                <input type="text" name="email" placeholder="<?php _e('E-mail', 'warp'); ?> <?php if ($req) echo "*"; ?>" value="<?php echo esc_attr($comment_author_email); ?>" <?php if ($req) echo "aria-required='true'"; ?>>

                            <div class="uk-form-row">
                                <input type="text" name="url" placeholder="<?php _e('Website', 'warp'); ?>" value="<?php echo esc_attr($comment_author_url); ?>">

                        <?php endif; ?>

                        <div class="uk-form-row">
                            <textarea name="comment" id="comment" cols="80" rows="5" tabindex="4"></textarea>

                        <div class="uk-form-row actions">
                            <button class="uk-button uk-button-primary" name="submit" type="submit" id="submit" tabindex="5"><?php _e('Submit Comment', 'warp'); ?></button>
                            <?php comment_id_fields(); ?>
                        <?php global $post; do_action('comment_form', $post->ID); ?>


                <?php endif; ?>

            <?php endif; ?>



    <script type="text/javascript">

        jQuery(function($) {

            var respond = $("#respond");

            $("p.js-reply > a").bind("click", function(){

                var id = $(this).attr('rel');


                $('<a><?php echo __("Cancel");?></a>').addClass('comment-cancelReply uk-margin-left').attr('href', "#respond").bind("click", function(){

                    return false;


                return false;



<?php endif;
adambako commented 9 years ago

ok.. i put there code <php? do_action( 'print_comments_recaptcha' , ); ?> but it completely broke the layout.

this is plugin for programmers.. so i need to find another one

adambako commented 9 years ago

i have no words.. any willingness to help