weaigc / gradio-chatbot

A tool that can automatically convert 🤗 Huggingface Spaces,魔搭创空间 and Gradio ChatBot into free APIs. Supports GPT4Free,ChatGPT,Llama2,MPT,Falcon Chat,ChatGLM,通义千问 and many other chatbot like spaces.
Apache License 2.0
151 stars 23 forks source link

localhost:8000 not loading the UI page, what is the correct script to run this app in local? #5

Closed datacrud8 closed 1 year ago

datacrud8 commented 1 year ago

actual script dont have "dev", I have add like below then start with npm run dev

"scripts": { "build": "rimraf -rf ./dist && tsc -p ./", "test": "tsx ./tests/index", "dev":"tsx ./src/bin/server.ts", "debug": "cross-env DEBUG=gradio-chatbot tsx ./src/bin/cli.ts", "prepublishOnly": "npm run build" },

server started and seeing this below message but in the browser not loading anything.

gradio-chatbot@0.0.15 start tsx ./src/bin/server.ts

Server start successful, serve link: http://localhost:8000/api/conversation?text=hello

Can you please update correct script , or tell me how run this project in local? I need to check out then code, then npm build then want run in local , not for install. Can you tell me the correct script update.

weaigc commented 1 year ago

@datacrud8 Done

datacrud8 commented 1 year ago

No, this is wrong script "dev":"tsx ./src/bin/server.ts", you can see server message like this Server start successful, serve link: http://localhost:8000/api/conversation?text=hello but page NOT loading anything, its empty screen.

So What is correct script to run this application in http://localhost:8000/ ?

weaigc commented 1 year ago

@datacrud8 Everything seems to be ok image
