weareblahs / freeview

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Video delay on rtm channel #24

Closed sahalsaad closed 1 year ago

sahalsaad commented 1 year ago


The video will be delayed on any rtm's channels. It will be delayed when it renders high-quality video. If just after selecting the channel and still rendering low-quality video, there is no sync issue. It only happens after the video start to become a high-quality video. Do you know how to fix this? Thank you.

weareblahs commented 1 year ago

Not sure why. Probably an issue with your hardware / network connection or there's an issue with RTM's own servers.

Do note that I didn't manage the links. You can also test the same channel via RTM Klik, which is the same source for RTM channels for this playlist (by directly connecting to the same livestream as used by RTM themselves on their OTT platforms).

sahalsaad commented 1 year ago

Force to render high res fixed the issue. No more delay. Thanks.