wearefrank / xslt-debugger

Utility library to debug XSLT's processed by Saxon and Xalan
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Refactoring reports not showing correct information #26

Closed MarkvdVorst closed 3 months ago

MarkvdVorst commented 3 months ago

point one that has been fixed: afbeelding The xslt-debugger could not handle self-closing elements and would show them in ladybug as if they were not self-closing, causing a lot of issues. This has now been fixed by not explicitly looking for non-self-closing elements. afbeelding

point two that has been fixed: afbeelding the xml and xsl of the xslt's were not correctly alligned on the left side and too many whitespaces were added. This was fixed by introducing javax Transformers to properly format the xml/xsl. afbeelding