wearefrank / zaakbrug

An app for Dutch municipalities that supports the transition from "zaak- en documentatieservices" (zds) to "zaakgericht werken" (zgw).
European Union Public License 1.2
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Implement geefLijstZaakdocumenten variant that uses a query to retrieve all documents on a zaak #270

Open MLenterman opened 10 months ago

MLenterman commented 10 months ago

We are noticing that retrieving enkelvoudiginformatieobjecten one by one on zaken with lots of documents can be quite slow when a DMS is configured through CMIS. To improve performance we would like to create a variation of the geefLijstZaakdocumenten action that relies more on queries.

The variant should be made on a copy of the existing geefLijstZaakdocumenten action with the same JavaListener name, so that it is possible to switch easily between the 2 implementations like a feature toggle. The implementations can be switched with the adapter's "active" properties in DeploymentSpecifics. By default the current implementation should be active.

Effectively after retrieving all ZaakInformatieObjecten on a zaak, instead of calling every url in the response separately, now it should combine them into 1 query (https://redocly.github.io/redoc/?url=https://raw.githubusercontent.com/VNG-Realisatie/documenten-api/stable/1.2.x/src/openapi.yaml#tag/enkelvoudiginformatieobjecten/operation/enkelvoudiginformatieobject__zoek). Then we can iterate over the result and retrieve the InformatieObjectType for each one.

MLenterman commented 10 months ago

Is not needed anymore if #271 gets implemented