wearerequired / traduttore

🗼 A WordPress plugin to improve the I18N workflow for your own projects based on @GlotPress.
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Support multiple branches / project versions #119

Open swissspidy opened 5 years ago

swissspidy commented 5 years ago

Right now Traduttore supports only translatable strings found in the master / default branch of a repository.

What if you have two branches in your source code repository, e.g. master and production, with both having different translatable strings?

What if you build an open source plugins where translatable strings can differ with each version (i.e. tagged release)?

I wonder if and how we can support such use cases.

swissspidy commented 4 years ago

https://wp-translations.pro/ seems to support this too

ocean90 commented 2 months ago

Related: #140