wearerequired / traduttore

🗼 A WordPress plugin to improve the I18N workflow for your own projects based on @GlotPress.
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Improve documentation on "Task Scheduler" #164

Closed grappler closed 5 years ago

grappler commented 5 years ago

Issue Overview The documentation on the "Task Scheduler" needs to be improved. Link: https://wearerequired.github.io/traduttore/configuration.html

The link "Learn more about hooking WP-Cron into the system task scheduler." is broken. The new link is https://developer.wordpress.org/plugins/cron/hooking-wp-cron-into-the-system-task-scheduler/

We should also mention that by default the project is only updated 3 minutes after the webhook is fired and the zip file is only generated 5 minutes after the translations have been updated.