If a user is looking at beta.weather.gov in the evening of 11/11, they currently see the date of 11/12, and they see the words "Today" instead of "Tonight", and they see the high temperature and low temperature instead of only the low temperature.
Acceptance criteria
A user should only see the current date. If it is nighttime, the descriptor should read "Tonight" instead of "Today", and we should explore/discuss only showing the overnight low temperature instead of equal high and low temperatures.
[ ] Tests have been implemented or modified to capture the bug
If a user is looking at beta.weather.gov in the evening of 11/11, they currently see the date of 11/12, and they see the words "Today" instead of "Tonight", and they see the high temperature and low temperature instead of only the low temperature.
Acceptance criteria
A user should only see the current date. If it is nighttime, the descriptor should read "Tonight" instead of "Today", and we should explore/discuss only showing the overnight low temperature instead of equal high and low temperatures.