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Forbidden restrictions in greedy slots broken? VETITUM #229

Closed alexiskennedy closed 1 year ago

alexiskennedy commented 1 year ago


"greedy slots that also have a forbidden section dont act as they should, instead of excluding the specified elements or elements with specified aspects, they exclude EVERY card. Off the top of my head it breaks all of the Ever After endings, possibly more. It doesn't affect slots with forbidden elements that are not greedy, those work properly, it's only specific to the greedy slots. "

no screenshots or log files, and I'm surprised there haven't been more reports if this is the case - but another user reports what appears to be a similar problem.

[hs 7240]

alexiskennedy commented 1 year ago

Same bug, very detailed description below. This user does specify mods, so this may be mod-related.



I'd like to report a bug.

The Short:

As the image bellow suggests this event is not taking my health, thus causing me to loose no matter what I do.

The Long:

(I wonder what a long would think of the modern world now? Heck, the various names/hours etc! - oh right sorry tangent aside)

--- So I do the same thing and start a new run with a new save with moth!

---- couple days later I'm wanting to get further in my newgame+ lantern run so I save a copy of my current moth one, return the original save file to save.json

---- Now, I will mention, all other times I would be quite out of the game while making these edits and... I forgot to do that this time. Figured worse comes to worse I can just reinstall the game or just reset it if something goes wrong.

--- For a while nothing seemed off... but then the first weird thing happened: The Weary detective was not taking my reputation cards. Then I noticed cards weren't being taken for facination checks either. Then I noticed when I went through the stag door 2 cards were super imposed in the center of the screen... I tried to ignore them and instead chose the base card at the stag door. Those two cards in the middle stayed there, so I tried dragging them off... and it seems like I got one reward for each door. Knife - key - grail - forge influence some eurodition a facination (maybe something else).

--- Then finally the health check came around. And it killed my run. I was kinda bummed... but I figured "maybe I broke it from my meddling with save files. So... heck I'll just reset and start over" So I "verified game files" with steam, and started a new run. This time choosing the well to do start.

And the same issue now pops up.

I may try next to purge my entire run (which sucks cus I guess that means anything that might carry over will go away.. .which really sucks due to how much I invested in time for the run I won on. (literally got every single book, every scrap of lore, all the paintings, did all the locations, got all the cultists, even recruited one rival, killed the others, made all the paintings... literally did everything I could think to do before I completed the game... I was hungry for that lore XD haha )

If purging my run doesn't work... I'm not sure? (( went ahead and just attempted a clean purged run... still same issue, season of illness comes up and I die due to not pulling health)) The only other thing I can gather is the game was update today though there were no patch notes. Maybe something there has caused this issue? (i still have my old save file so would be nice~ Um... guess I'll add that in too so you can see)

Hope that was detailed enough!

Oh uh... just incase it matters though I don't think it would: I use a few mods mostly for quality of life/time saving.

alexiskennedy commented 1 year ago

[hs 7245]

Hello! Sorry to bother you but I want to report a bug in the game Cultist Simulator ^^ I have updated the game and had restarted my save data as it kept crashing. Now whenever I start a save, this Health problem keeps coming up. It happens every save and I keep dying to it. It happens after the time consuming thing with the money? I thought it might need Vitality so I tried that but it doesn't do anything. Thanks and Sorry


Chelnoque commented 1 year ago

This one is already sorted, was a mod bug.