weavejester / integrant

Micro-framework for data-driven architecture
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`pre-init-spec` before any initialization at all #32

Open helins opened 6 years ago

helins commented 6 years ago

In the current workflow, integrant initializes keys one by one, checking each time if the provided data is valid according to pre-init-spec. When the data is not valid, integrant throws and it actually gets messy. For instance, the resources allocated by the previous keys are not released. Sometimes, this means we have to restart the repl.

What I suggest is that integrant validates all data before initializing anything. The specs we write for our system means that if the data is not valid, something will probably fail. It is best to fail fast instead of starting the system, opening ports and stuff', and eventually failing anyway and leaving a big mess.

weavejester commented 6 years ago

That functionality is planned, but unfortunately very difficult to implement.

Consider a configuration like:

{:duct.database/sql   {:connection-uri "jdbc:sqlite:db/dev.sqlite"}
 :app.handler/example {:db #ig/ref :duct.database/sql}}

If we try to validate the spec for :app.handler/example, then we need to know that the :duct.database/sql key produces a database spec.

The way I've been considering solving it is to have a post-init-spec, and use generators associated with the specs produced to replace the refs. However, not all objects are easy to generate without side effects, such as database connections, for example.

helins commented 6 years ago

Thanks for quickly answering. I should probably read the source code but I think what I'm about to say makes sense.

Let us make a distinction between the data specific to a key and its dependencies :

{:duct.database/sql {:connection-uri "jdbc:sqlite:db/dev.sqlite"}
 :app.handler/example {:db #ig/ref :duct.database/sql
                                     :something 42}

We can say :something is data specific to the key :app.handler/example whereas :db is a dependency, a reference to another key, and many other keys can rely on it.

Now, I (and I guess other users) need spec for

My custom solution was to validate myself everything after ig/read-string and before ig/init. I've even written a short macro for spec'ing integrant references and the rest is just spec'ing specific data. This is simple, so why am I here ? Well because as you say in the readme, we don't want to write specs directly against the keys and ig/init has a second arg for selecting the keys we want to use, meaning the spec for our config map should be indeed dynamically generated. pre-init-spec offers a simple way for doing so and avoiding confusing boilerplate.

If you agree I can help you :+1:

weavejester commented 6 years ago

I'd rather not add functionality that works for some things and doesn't work for others. Ideally a feature should have consistency.

I'll give this some thought.

helins commented 6 years ago

Well, I might have a hard time understanding exactly why you would want a child to check if its parent is behaving as expected, I would say it's the responsability of the parent to respect its post-init-spec contract. For my uses cases it's more about ensuring that the dependency is declared in the config file, the kind of file we modify very often.

I guess what I'm really talking about is something to ensure the config file makes sense before the system even start, almost a compile time thing. Ensuring that the initialization is going well (what you want ?) is actually another topic and I would rather call that init-spec.

weavejester commented 6 years ago

Originally I did call it init-spec, but I then realized that a post-init-spec method might be necessary in future. The pre-init-spec method is called just before the map entry is initiated, hence the name.

I agree that a spec that checks the configuration in a side-effectful way would be useful. I'd like to consider how to do this in a way that is consistent and predictable. If you factor out part of the configuration into a reference, ideally the same spec should work.

You could write specs directly against the keys if you wished. It might not be semantically accurate, but then you could validate the configuration with (s/keys).

weavejester commented 6 years ago

An alternative would be to have a way of validating the spec before it's been touched in any way, and incorporate the idea of validating refs themselves. For instance, you wouldn't say :db should be a database connection; you'd say :db should be a ref to :duct.database/sql or something that inherits from it.

helins commented 6 years ago

Yes, that's exactly what I was trying to refer to. Use ig/read-string and validate the whole thing yourself before ig/init, where specs for dependencies such as :db would indeed be validating refs, "integrant references" as I say. Ideally, I propose this should be part of the library, and it should happen when calling ig/init.

Maybe it'll be clearer if I explain my ideal workflow :

In doing so I believe we are clearly separating concerns and it works for things in general. Maybe I am missing out something ?

weavejester commented 6 years ago

I made pre-init-spec a multimethod so that it could be inserted into the act of initiating the configuration, but if we want to validate the configuration before it's been initiated, I don't think we need to use multimethods at all.

Instead, consider a syntax like:

(require '[clojure.spec.alpha :as s]
         '[integrant.core :as ig]
         '[integrant.spec :as is])

(s/def :adapter/port    pos-int?)
(s/def :adapter/handler (is/ref :adapter/handler))
(s/def :adapter/jetty   (s/keys :req-un [:adapter/port :adapter/handler]))

(def config
   {:port 3000, :handler (ig/ref :app.handler/example)}
   [:adapter/handler :app.handler/example]

(s/valid? (is/derived-keys) config)

We introduce a integrant.spec namespace, and two new specs: is/ref and is/derived-keys. The former specifies a reference derived from the keys specified as its arguments, and the latter specifies a map of derived keys (like s/keys but accounting for derived keys and composite keys).

Once we have a spec we can validate as normal. This does mean that the running system won't adhere to the spec, but on the other hand the running system is considered to be opaque, so we wouldn't be checking it anyway.

helins commented 6 years ago

If I understand correctly :

Anyway, certainly a step in the right direction. I don't mind the running system not adhering to those spec, I don't see why it always should.

weavejester commented 6 years ago

First, is it okay to spec against keys, given those keys means different things at different times ?

Yes, it does mean that a running system won't conform to the spec. However, a running system is designed to be opaque, in that you can only halt it. The fact that it's also map is an implementation detail. Given this, I now think that it's fine to spec directly against the keys, and in future perhaps I'll add a wrapper around the running system to enforce it's opacity.

Second, what if someone wants un-namespaced keys (I personally don't) ?

Un-namespaced top-level keys aren't supported by Integrant anyway, so we're good on that front :)

helins commented 6 years ago

Well, then I like this solution !

I must admit I'm just not entirely sure what pre-init-spec would be really for. For instance, the example given is the readme would be more relevant using this integrant.spec namespace.

As to the fact that a running system is a map, I find it actually quite useful. You might call it a leaky abstraction, but it actually helps very much during dev. I guess it's a discussion for another time :)

weavejester commented 6 years ago

Keeping the system as a map for development purposes might be a good idea.

The pre-init-spec is useful for validating the configuration value after references are resolved. For example, you could make sure that the :db key really is a database connection.

If init fails, ideally we should clean up the mess afterwards, halting the partially started system. That's currently on my todo list for Integrant-REPL.

helins commented 6 years ago

I might have some time to work on this issue soon, do you need some help ?

weavejester commented 6 years ago

If you like 😃 . Writing is/derived-keys might be somewhat tricky, though.