weavejester / ring-server

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debug/log options #10

Open johnbendi opened 11 years ago

johnbendi commented 11 years ago

what are the debugging/logging options with ring-server? How do you enable it. I am continually feeling a lack of control /power over ring-jetty. How do I trace what ring-jetty is doing with my communications?

weavejester commented 11 years ago

Could you be more specific? Or provide an example of what you mean?

johnbendi commented 11 years ago

I meant if it was possible to get ring-jetty/jetty to keep a log of it's activities so that in cases where one cannot get the middleware to do her bidding at least she can look at the log and know where to go from there. That's what I was thinking after been unable to get the middleware to throw something at me though I have made progress but I felt like that should be an option and an easy one at that.

weavejester commented 11 years ago

I'm not sure how having the adapter keep a log would help solve an issue with a middleware function.

You can debug middleware just by passing in a request map and looking at the resulting response. Factoring in Jetty would just create additional complexity without giving you any more information.

What is the purpose of the middleware you're writing?