weaveworks-experiments / kspan

Turning Kubernetes Events into spans
Apache License 2.0
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An error occurred, when the deployment was deleted, the resource objects of his subordinates could not be found #39

Closed zheng199512 closed 3 years ago

zheng199512 commented 3 years ago

An error occurred, when the deployment was deleted, the resource objects of his subordinates could not be found.

2021-07-14T09:41:02.441Z    ERROR   dropping span   {"name": "17356f58-6da8-4129-b8f6-54e4b5a79552", "error": "unable to get object: replicasets.apps \"test-event-54896b8787\" not found", "errorVerbose": "replicasets.apps \"test-event-54896b8787\" not found\nunable to get object\ngithub.com/bboreham/kspan/controllers/events.getObject\n\t/workspace/controllers/events/object.go:125\ngithub.com/bboreham/kspan/controllers/events.(*EventWatcher).makeSpanContextFromObject\n\t/workspace/controllers/events/event_controller.go:232\ngithub.com/bboreham/kspan/controllers/events.(*EventWatcher).makeSpanContextFromEvent\n\t/workspace/controllers/events/pending.go:92\ngithub.com/bboreham/kspan/controllers/events.(*EventWatcher).checkOlderPending\n\t/workspace/controllers/events/pending.go:66\ngithub.com/bboreham/kspan/controllers/events.(*EventWatcher).runTicker\n\t/workspace/controllers/events/event_controller.go:264\nruntime.goexit\n\t/usr/local/go/src/runtime/asm_amd64.s:1374"}
bboreham commented 3 years ago

Looks like this should have been fixed: https://github.com/weaveworks-experiments/kspan/blob/12eefbe61283d2d6b0360fc39fc265076376c2d8/controllers/events/pending.go#L68

What version are you running?

zheng199512 commented 3 years ago

v0.0-alpha sorry

bboreham commented 3 years ago

Hey, no problem; I haven't been issuing new releases. Are you running from source or from a pre-built image? I can stamp the source easily but don't have write access to DockerHub weaveworks area any more.

zheng199512 commented 3 years ago

pull a image from dockerhub. docker.io/weaveworks/kspan:v0.0

bboreham commented 3 years ago

OK; ping @dholbach on the fact I don't have permissions to push a new one under that area (and I didn't set up a push from CI).

As a stop-gap I pushed bboreham/kspan:main-12eefbe6

dholbach commented 3 years ago

@bboreham I sent a request to IT for this!

dholbach commented 2 years ago

Let me know if this working or not.

bboreham commented 2 years ago

Yes thanks! I have now pushed weaveworks/kspan:main-12eefbe6.