weaveworks-guides / weave-net-legacy

Weave Net Old Guides
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Decomplect description of how flux works #219

Closed squaremo closed 7 years ago

squaremo commented 8 years ago

I think the first set of bullet points explains flux well, so all we need to do is outline how those things are tied together.

abuehrle commented 8 years ago

I've updated this to say: Continuous Delivery with Weave Flux manages change between your container registry, where typically your CI system pushes or builds a Docker container image, and your version control system that keeps track of your Kubernetes manifests. Flux tracks and acts on the changes between these systems without you having to disassemble and reassemble your infrastructure each time a new feature is added to your app.

abuehrle commented 7 years ago

This has been addressed in the Continuous Delivery guide