weaveworks-guides / weave-net-legacy

Weave Net Old Guides
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Split Kubernetes Vagrant script into logical parts #58

Closed abuehrle closed 3 years ago

abuehrle commented 9 years ago

I would split this script into 3 or 4 parts to make it easier to debug when something fails.

For example, a script would be created for each step listed below, which we can explain in the Guide:

  1. provision VMs. with CoreOS cluster
  2. launch weave
  3. Deploy Kubernetes
  4. Deploy app
errordeveloper commented 9 years ago

I absolutely makes sense to have a guide that show manual steps. However, I am quite sure that users who chose CoreOS and Weave would be able to derive what they need from #52 and we should address new user concerns via #63 instead and base it on a more traditional OS.