weaveworks / eks-quickstart-app-dev

Example flux manifests for eksctl gitops
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Expose demo/podinfo via the ALB Ingress controller #18

Closed marccarre closed 5 years ago

marccarre commented 5 years ago

eks-quickstart-app-dev currently creates an ALB Ingress controller, but we do not do anything with it, and it isn't trivial for the end-user how to leverage it. We should add an Ingress resource for at least demo/podinfo -- given this is our "demo" app of choice -- in order to (1) prove that ingress works, and (2) show end-users how to leverage the ALB in their cluster, to expose services.

@marccarre podinfo can be safely exposed outside the cluster to demo how the ingress works. The podinfo chart comes with ingress, I would enable it in the HelmRelease file.

Here is an example https://github.com/stefanprodan/gitops-helm-workshop/blob/master/cluster/releases/podinfo.yaml#L23

Originally posted by @stefanprodan

marccarre commented 5 years ago

In the end, it was decided we wouldn't expose anything publicly for now, for security reasons. This issue therefore now becomes a documentation issue.