weaveworks / eks-quickstart-app-dev

Example flux manifests for eksctl gitops
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creating other profiles than `app-dev` #33

Closed yahavb closed 4 years ago

yahavb commented 4 years ago

when eksctl enable profile uses app-dev profile, it points to git@github.com:weaveworks/eks-quickstart-app-dev.git. I created git@github.com:yahavb/game-server-gitops-profile.git and was able to eksctl enable profile with this repo. What is magic behind the app-dev pointer? How can I add my template to be game-server-dev?

codecrane commented 4 years ago

@yahavb I am using https instead of ssh for git, but I am using a custom repo for my profile.


        enable profile \
        --git-url git@github.com:myorg/myrepo \
        --git-email foo.bar@mydomain.com \
        --cluster temp-test \
        --name https://github.com/yahavb/game-server-gitops-profile.git

I would imagine you could just swap that over to the ssh version:

        enable profile \
        --git-url git@github.com:myorg/myrepo \
        --git-email foo.bar@mydomain.com \
        --cluster temp-test \
        --name git@github.com:yahavb/game-server-gitops-profile.git

Hope that helps

martina-if commented 4 years ago

Hi @yahavb , the magic is that that name is hardcoded into eksctl because it is considered a special quickstart profile.

Unfortunately we are not planning to hardcode user's profiles in eksctl, this is just a shortcut for specific profiles built by weaveworks for now.

For more information you can check the docs