weaveworks / ignite

Ignite a Firecracker microVM
Apache License 2.0
3.49k stars 224 forks source link

Smoke test failed at Ubuntu 20.04 #895

Closed Sfinx closed 2 years ago

Sfinx commented 2 years ago
ignite version
Ignite version: version.Info{Major:"0", Minor:"10", GitVersion:"v0.10.0", GitCommit:"4540abeb9ba6daba32a72ef2b799095c71ebacb0", GitTreeState:"clean", BuildDate:"2021-07-19T20:52:59Z", GoVersion:"go1.16.3", Compiler:"gc", Platform:"linux/amd64", SandboxImage:version.Image{Name:"weaveworks/ignite", Tag:"v0.10.0", Delimeter:":"}, KernelImage:version.Image{Name:"weaveworks/ignite-kernel", Tag:"5.10.51", Delimeter:":"}}
Firecracker version: v0.22.4
INFO[0027] Creating VM "e3ce3791-6f1b-4445-836f-ca59aa08d604" with name "smoke-test"... 
DEBU[0027] Ensuring image weaveworks/ignite-ubuntu:latest exists, or importing it... 
DEBU[0027] Found image with UID d38ef3feef035a9d        
DEBU[0027] Ensuring kernel weaveworks/ignite-kernel:5.10.51 exists, or importing it... 
DEBU[0027] Found kernel with UID c423ec1bd9f665c5       
DEBU[0027] FileWatcher: Skipping suspended event MODIFY for path: "/etc/firecracker/manifests/smoke-test.yml" 
INFO[0028] Starting VM "e3ce3791-6f1b-4445-836f-ca59aa08d604" with name "smoke-test"... 
DEBU[0028] containerd: Inspecting image "weaveworks/ignite:v0.10.0" 
DEBU[0028] container "ignite-e3ce3791-6f1b-4445-836f-ca59aa08d604" in namespace "firecracker": not found 
DEBU[0028] Writing "/var/lib/firecracker/vm/e3ce3791-6f1b-4445-836f-ca59aa08d604/runtime.containerd.resolv.conf" with new hash: "fdc8ff58c4bfc88a48c9eaed3bd9201eb08964d03e80438358d1e1630281207b", old hash: "" 
ERRO[0029] failed to setup network for namespace "ignite-e3ce3791-6f1b-4445-836f-ca59aa08d604": open /run/flannel/subnet.env: no such file or directory 
ERRO[0029] An error occurred when processing a VM update: open /run/flannel/subnet.env: no such file or directory 

And there no way to stop or remove the running image:

ignite ps
VM ID                   IMAGE               KERNEL                  SIZE    CPUS    MEMORY      CREATED     STATUS      IPS PORTS   NAME
e3ce3791-6f1b-4445-836f-ca59aa08d604    weaveworks/ignite-ubuntu:latest weaveworks/ignite-kernel:5.10.51    3.0 GB  2   800.0 MB    3m48s ago   Up <nil>            smoke-test
root@Shiva:~# ignite stop e3ce3791-6f1b-4445-836f-ca59aa08d604
FATA[0000] unknown runtime ""                   
darkowlzz commented 2 years ago

Hi, can you share more details for reproducing this issue? Looks like you're using flannel. I suspect some flannel related failure resulted in a partially initialized VM with unknown runtime. There are some docs in https://ignite.readthedocs.io/en/stable/networking/ regarding using flannel with ignite.

Sfinx commented 2 years ago

Hi, I do not use flannel - it even do not installed. But thanks for hint - there was stale /etc/cni directory at my system. Removing it fixed the issue as ignite creates its own working /etc/cni/net.d/10-ignite.conflist