weaveworks / pipeline-controller

This repository contains the Pipeline CRD and associated controller for Weave GitOps Enterprise.
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fix: update update-chart github action to be idenependent from dependency order #157

Closed yitsushi closed 1 year ago

yitsushi commented 1 year ago
weave-gitops-enterprise on  main via  v1.19.4 on   (eu-central-1)
❯ yq -i '(.dependencies[] | select(.name=="pipeline-controller") | .version) |= "nice"' charts/mccp/Chart.yaml

weave-gitops-enterprise on  main [!] via  v1.19.4 on   (eu-central-1)
❯ git diff
diff --git a/charts/mccp/Chart.yaml b/charts/mccp/Chart.yaml
index 4862e19f..da278ff8 100644
--- a/charts/mccp/Chart.yaml
+++ b/charts/mccp/Chart.yaml
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ dependencies:
     repository: "https://weaveworks.github.io/policy-agent"
     condition: policy-agent.enabled
   - name: pipeline-controller
-    version: "0.14.0"
+    version: "nice"
     repository: "oci://ghcr.io/weaveworks/charts"
     condition: enablePipelines
   - name: gitopssets-controller

Why |= and not =?

The |= is an update/modification assignment while = is plain assignment. In this case they behave the same, but in general I tend to use |= as it's more flexible.

Most users will want to use modification assignment operators, such as |= or +=, rather than =.

Source: https://stedolan.github.io/jq/manual/#Assignment

Closes #153
