weaveworks / scope

Monitoring, visualisation & management for Docker & Kubernetes
Apache License 2.0
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Will Weaveworks scope support containerd for fetching container logs, k8s > 1.23 #3895

Closed PradeepShetty14 closed 2 years ago

kingdonb commented 2 years ago

No, it requires Docker (doesn’t work with containerd).

Scope also requires the privileged security context.

PradeepShetty14 commented 2 years ago

@kingdonb -- So how can we display the container level logs in weavescope with latest Kubernetes installed? Can you please provide these details? Is there a new release we can expect that provides the container logs as well.

kingdonb commented 2 years ago

Scope is not in active development, and is officially a community project by Weaveworks. It's provided as (gratis) Open Source Software under the Apache license without any formal support or guarantees, unless you have a support agreement.

The latest Kubernetes release still works with Docker Shim (1.23) but the next release will not, according to my information (1.24) News Link. This will present an obstacle to anyone that depends on Docker, and that includes Scope users.

Scope will not work with the Containerd CRI or any other than Docker at present. It also has hard scaling problems which made it difficult to pursue further development. As nodes scale to hundreds of pods, the amount of resources consumed by Scope increases too, and it increases for each node that Scope runs on. This is a serious design impediment to scaling.

I'm sorry that I cannot be more helpful, but I am nearly certain we will not see a resurgence in Scope development. (Watch this space, perhaps there will be something new to replace Scope in the future!)

PradeepShetty14 commented 2 years ago

@kingdonb -- Thanks a lot for the information.