testing-library/render-result-naming-convention: there are some cases in tests that try to name the render result const variable as screen, which is a different thing from RTL.
testing-library/prefer-screen-queries: This rule recommends using testing library selectors instead of DOM selectors like querySelectorAll. Our tests should probably support this.
There are four rules I turned off in order to actually get the eslint PR merged that have to do with our tests. Are these rules worth following?
testing-library/no-node-access: https://github.com/testing-library/eslint-plugin-testing-library/blob/main/docs/rules/no-node-access.md - DOM things like .closest or lastChild should not be mixed with RTL selectors apparently
testing-library/no-unnecessary-act: https://kentcdodds.com/blog/fix-the-not-wrapped-in-act-warning - this one is complicated and unfortunately in almost every single test
testing-library/render-result-naming-convention: there are some cases in tests that try to name the render result const variable as screen, which is a different thing from RTL.
testing-library/prefer-screen-queries: This rule recommends using testing library selectors instead of DOM selectors like querySelectorAll. Our tests should probably support this.