weaveworks / weave-gitops-private

This is for tracking weaveworks internal information on weave-gitops. Will include issues, internal roadmaps, etc.
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update query scaling rfc with poc discovery learnings #112

Closed enekofb closed 11 months ago

enekofb commented 1 year ago

closes https://github.com/weaveworks/weave-gitops-enterprise/issues/2560

enekofb commented 11 months ago

We should be adding an addendum to this doc to indicate what actually go built, not changing it.

Also, we cannot hope to keep the doc in sync with the code, which is why specific snippets are a no-go for me. The code is the source of truth for implementation details.

Additionally, there are too many mixed concerns in the text that you added. Our debate about splitting/not splitting should be an ADR instead, for example.

@jpellizzari left the original doc as it was and raised and ADR with to record the most important arch changes since then. Let me know whether makes more sense now and whether you miss anything.