weaveworks / weave-gitops-private

This is for tracking weaveworks internal information on weave-gitops. Will include issues, internal roadmaps, etc.
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Add indexer ADR #132

Open jpellizzari opened 9 months ago

jpellizzari commented 9 months ago

ADR to explain the complications of labels queries

enekofb commented 8 months ago

⚠️ Disclaimer ⚠️ : I am still in the knowledge-building phase so you might find some nonsense on some of the following :)

I started to look here with the following hypothesis to test out of reading https://blevesearch.com/docs/Index-Mapping/

1) We have more than one document mapping:

2) our normalized object schema is more like a standard kube resources + weave gitops specific fields (like cluster, tenant, etc ..) + unstructured

When do we need mapping extensions?