weaveworks / weave

Simple, resilient multi-host containers networking and more.
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AWSVPC enhancements #2322

Open bboreham opened 8 years ago

bboreham commented 8 years ago

Following on from #2091, some ideas for enhancement:

Smoke-test enhancements:

In progress:


bboreham commented 8 years ago

Figure out some way to have the last peer remove the last route table entry on weave reset

(fixed by #2356)

brb commented 8 years ago

Just to add more context to the "do not delete keys" item: each time we run tests on AWS, we replace the global weavenet_ci key with the newly generated one (due to missing GC functionality in CircleCI). Thus, concurrent builds might fail in obscure ways.

brb commented 8 years ago
bboreham commented 8 years ago

I had an issue where the route table had a left-over entry, and containers wouldn't communicate until I deleted it manually:

Destination Target Status Propagated local Active No igw-0563c660 Active No eni-139cc059 / i-d9055d53 Active No eni-cc603c86 / i-26055dac Active No eni-139cc059 / i-d9055d53 Active No
$ weave report
        "Entries": [
                "Token": "",
                "Size": 524288,
                "Peer": "26:a1:90:ca:f0:13",
                "Nickname": "ip-172-31-23-45",
                "IsKnownPeer": true,
                "Version": 4
                "Token": "",
                "Size": 524288,
                "Peer": "76:7a:68:8b:8d:b6",
                "Nickname": "ip-172-31-19-176",
                "IsKnownPeer": true,
                "Version": 3

Maybe when a router takes over a range it should remove any route entries which cover a part of that range.

bboreham commented 8 years ago

@errordeveloper suggested creating an extra ENI may have advantages, e.g. we could disable the source/dest check just for that interface.

bboreham commented 8 years ago

Find some way to make clear to users when they have hit the 50-entry limit in the route table.

Currently it seems that errors will show up in the log file and some hosts will experience lack of inward routing.

brb commented 8 years ago

UPDATED: Disable the "src/dst" check on a VM. Default AWS policy is to deny packets which IP does not originate from a subnet (to prevent L3 spoofing), so in order to make the "awsvpc" work, on each VM we should disable the check manually. However, we could disable the check from the AWSVPC tracker in Weave which could result in less confused users.

rade commented 8 years ago

Disable the "src/dst" check on a VM.

What does that do?

bboreham commented 7 years ago

We can allow customers to run containers in multiple AZs by having one subnet for each AZ and attaching the same routing table to each subnet. Then have Weave manipulate that routing table.

panga commented 7 years ago

@bboreham I've the same issue of bad route tables when I add/remove new nodes with Auto Scaling Groups.

My auto-scaling groups has minimum 1 and maximum 3 instances. After some auto scaling I have 2 instances running, but only 1 valid route in the table and a lot of Black Holes.

Destination Target Status eni-57f0ae51 Black Hole eni-91db8297 / i-c4c017d2 Active eni-54f0ae52 Black Hole eni-54f0ae52 Black Hole eni-6d673e6b Black Hole
bboreham commented 7 years ago

Thanks for the comment @panga; this should probably go in its own issue - it looks like a bug rather than an enhancement.

panga commented 7 years ago

@bboreham Created a new issue :) https://github.com/weaveworks/weave/issues/2539