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make fastdp work with large MTUs on 4.3/4.4 kernels #2376

Open brb opened 8 years ago

brb commented 8 years ago

To address the MTU problem listed in #1853 for 4.3 and 4.4 kernels we could allow a user to pass a netdev interface name. The interface would be used as a VTEP (lowerdev) for VXLAN netdev we create. The VXLAN netdev inherits a MTU of its lowerdev, thus the hard limit for 1500 MTU is no longer the issue.

A downside of such approach is that removal of lowerdev might cause deletion of vxlan device (https://github.com/torvalds/linux/blob/v4.4/drivers/net/vxlan.c#L3146)

To implement this, we need to change the way we create vxlan-vport in router/fastdp.go:

bboreham commented 5 years ago

Is this still an issue we should keep open?

brb commented 5 years ago

Considering that the 4.4 kernel is still actively being used, I'd keep it open.

opslinux commented 4 years ago
modprobe: module br_netfilter not found in modules.dep
Ignore the error if "br_netfilter" is built-in in the kernel
DEBU: 2019/08/30 09:35:28.392840 [kube-peers] Checking peer "b6:fd:87:9b:de:11" against list &{[{da:9a:60:e7:ab:f9 k8s-master02} {42:25:fe:0d:8a:aa k8s-node01} {b6:fd:87:9b:de:11 k8s-master04} {36:ee:00:02:58:df k8s-master03} {56:26:ba:e4:b7:57 k8s-node07} {da:3b:12:d8:b8:52 k8s-master05} {9e:7a:5b:26:84:ea k8s-node03} {2a:3a:73:2c:76:28 k8s-node05} {26:d7:16:ce:05:1a k8s-master01} {72:e5:bc:30:94:62 k8s-node04} {42:cb:95:cd:02:1d k8s-node06} {1a:2c:7e:3d:f6:04 k8s-node02} {7a:4d:c6:35:91:0c k8s-ingress02} {16:c8:13:e7:77:6e k8s-ingress01}]}
INFO: 2019/08/30 09:35:28.507827 Command line options: map[datapath:datapath ipalloc-range: metrics-addr: no-dns:true port:6783 docker-api: http-addr: name:b6:fd:87:9b:de:11 nickname:k8s-master04 host-root:/host ipalloc-init:consensus=14 conn-limit:100 db-prefix:/weavedb/weave-net expect-npc:true]
INFO: 2019/08/30 09:35:28.507882 weave  2.5.2
INFO: 2019/08/30 09:35:28.580902 Bridge type is bridged_fastdp
INFO: 2019/08/30 09:35:28.580930 Communication between peers is unencrypted.
WARN: 2019/08/30 09:35:28.603825 Address already in use creating vxlan vport 6784 - retrying
WARN: 2019/08/30 09:35:28.637836 Address already in use creating vxlan vport 6784 - retrying
WARN: 2019/08/30 09:35:28.667726 Address already in use creating vxlan vport 6784 - retrying
WARN: 2019/08/30 09:35:28.697736 Address already in use creating vxlan vport 6784 - retrying
WARN: 2019/08/30 09:35:28.729766 Address already in use creating vxlan vport 6784 - retrying
FATA: 2019/08/30 09:35:28.739927 netlink error response: address already in use

hello, we run weave:2.5.2 in k8s:1.14.3,and want to use fastdp which what above happened.Is this same problem? wish your help,tks.