weaveworks / wks-quickstart-firekube

Example configuration to create Kubernetes clusters powered by ignite and gitops
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update to latest ignite #83

Closed dholbach closed 4 years ago

dholbach commented 4 years ago

Update to latest ignite release.

chanwit commented 4 years ago


stealthybox commented 4 years ago

@dholbach @chanwit This updates the default backend from docker to containerd+CNI. I don't believe firekube currently installs CNI for you.

dholbach commented 4 years ago

After I've ran ./setup.sh from current master, I see this up and running:


So I really think we're good.

stealthybox commented 4 years ago

After I've ran ./setup.sh from current master, I see this up and running:


This is unrelated to the CNI installed within the cluster.

Ignite v0.5.x uses docker and docker's networking to setup the MicroVM's. In ignite v0.6.x and v0.7.x, the default behavior is changed to use Containerd and CNI for setting up the VM's.

Firekube's installation scripts install many components for the user. Since CNI is now a dependency for starting ignite VM's, the setup.sh needs to install CNI plugins on Linux hosts.