weaviate / typescript-client

Official Weaviate TypeScript Client
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
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Asynchronous Replication option missing from ReplicationConfig #148

Open jfrancoa opened 2 weeks ago

jfrancoa commented 2 weeks ago

In this PR a new option was added to the ReplicationConfig structure, the asyncEnabled one. This option allows enabling asynchronous replication for any class. It's a property which can be also updated once the class has been created, being possible to enable it or disable it.

The new structure for the ReplicationConfig looks like this:

    "ReplicationConfig": {
      "description": "Configure how replication is executed in a cluster",
      "properties": {
        "factor": {
          "description": "Number of times a class is replicated",
          "type": "integer"
        "asyncEnabled": {
          "description": "Enable asynchronous replication",
          "type": "boolean"
      "type": "object"

Currently, it's enabled by default, but the feature is already merged in master and targets version 1.26.0 of Weaviate, so it would be helpful having it available in the TS client.