web-dave / ngrx-workshop

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Explore the new Adapter and fix all issues #15

Open web-dave opened 5 years ago

web-dave commented 5 years ago
web-dave commented 5 years ago
Adaptor Selector ```ts const { selectAll, selectEntities, selectIds, selectTotal } = bookAdapter.getSelectors(); export const getBooksSelector = createSelector( createFeatureSelector(booksStoreName), selectAll ); export const getBookSelector = (isbn: string) => createSelector( createFeatureSelector(bookStoreName), (state: IBooksState) => selectEntities(state)[isbn] ); ```
web-dave commented 5 years ago
Adapter Reducer ```ts case LOAD_BOOKS: return bookAdapter.setAll(action.books, state); ```
web-dave commented 5 years ago
#### Fix the Adapter to select by isbn ```ts export const bookAdapter = createEntityAdapter({ selectId: book => book.isbn });
web-dave commented 2 years ago