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State of HTML 2023 #18

Open atopal opened 1 year ago

atopal commented 1 year ago

In a previous meeting we discussed a potential "state of HTML" survey as part of the shared research roadmap. This fits into the deep dives to generate actionable insights focus area of the shared research strategy. The state of CSS and state of JS surveys have a specific scope and cover large parts of the platform already, and this third survey would have some overlap with them, but would mainly focused on covering what otherwise is not covered by the existing surveys.

To identify a more specific scope, it would be great to identify potential topics for a "State of HTML" survey, to see if we have emerging themes and what the actual name for it should be (state of HTML is just the place holder for now).

Some topics that were already suggested are:

tidoust commented 1 year ago

I don't know whether that qualifies as "State of HTML", but WebAssembly is only captured in the State of JS as a coarse topic. Would it be worth breaking it down into more fine-grained topics, e.g. exceptions, tables, threads, SIMD support?

SachaG commented 1 year ago

@tidoust the idea of this "State of HTML" would be to fill in the gaps that are not covered by the other surveys (not necessarily limited to HTML) so yes we could definitely ask about WebAssembly!

Regarding the name at first I didn't like it much (especially since it looks like the survey will end up being much broader than just that topic), but I've been thinking it might have value as a way to trigger people's curiosity. Also we haven't found anything better so far…

atopal commented 1 year ago

Hey all, here's the summary of our workshop from April 28. You can see full notes here.

The goal of the workshop was to agree on the problems the "State of HTML" survey would address and to identify focus areas for the survey.

Kadir gave an intro to the topic and background and discussed the relationship to State of CSS/JS surveys

We then collected and prioritized problems the survey should address. The top problems/opportunities we identified and discussed are as follows:

As part of that discussed we came to the conclusion that identifying focus areas requires a better understanding of the audience we are targeting and the audience will depend on the focus areas selected. Assuming the survey would be anything not already covered in State of CSS/JS would leave us with a wide range of questions without a clear audience (questions would range from popover to WebAssembly), but establishing a segmentation of the front-end developer audience is out of scope for this project.

We decided to follow this workshop up with another one that would focus on identifying focus areas in particular that would be relevant to a larger, overlapping slice of the front-end developer audience.

atopal commented 1 year ago

Hey all, here's a summary of our second workshop. You can see the full notes here.

The goal of the workshop was to identify focus areas for the "State of HTML" that would broadly apply to web developers and aren't already covered in other surveys.

Kadir gave a recap of the previous session, reiterating the goals. Lea proposed one new goal we agreed on: "Identifying missing primitives for the platform, specifically things that developers need to either reimplement repeatedly across domains". We also recapped the timeline and agreed to have at least initial survey results ready in time for Interop 24.

We then collected and prioritized focus areas for the survey. The top focus areas we identified and discussed are as follows:

We also agreed on the following as part of the survey:

Many thanks to all participants. We'll continue the conversation here and in the WebDX CG meetings over the next weeks and months.

LeaVerou commented 1 year ago

Just to capture a few more notes from the workshop:

High level / Meta goals:

Focus Areas, ordered by descending priority:

  1. Forms (<selectmenu>)
  2. Web Components (consumer and author perspective separately)
  3. Interactive HTML elements (<details>, <div popover>, anchor positioning, OpenUI stuff etc)
  4. ARIA & Accessibility APIs
  5. Embedding (<iframe>, <portal>, fenced frames)
  6. Multimedia (responsive images, image formats, <model>, New <video> features à la adaptive streaming, controlslist)
  7. Semantic HTML elements (<search> etc)
  8. Templating (Scoping, DOM APIs etc)
  9. Bridging the gap with native apps
    • PWA technologies
    • Push notifications
    • Service workers
    • View transitions

Potential overlap from existing surveys:

Kadir and I had a breakout a few days ago, where we discussed:

So I’m thinking of the following process & roadmap, which I plan to discuss with the group tomorrow:

LeaVerou commented 1 year ago

From today’s call: I’ve started working on a draft list of features to ask about in this doc. This is a starting point, from which issues will be created in https://github.com/Devographics/surveys/issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen+sort%3Aupdated-desc to get community input.

A few things I’d love some input on:

SachaG commented 1 year ago

Where is the boundary between the APIs that fit better in State of JS (Browser APIs page) and here?

I think we can probably fine-tune that as we go, so the first time it's fine if there's some overlap.

LeaVerou commented 1 year ago

Hi folks,

As discussed in today’s call, I’ve set up several discussion categories for State of HTML 2023, so let’s continue the discussion there: