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Angular input on Interop 2023 #238

Closed foolip closed 1 year ago

foolip commented 1 year ago

@robnyman has talked to the Angular team to get input on the Interop 2023 proposals. The source is the Angular input on Interop 2023 spreadsheet, inlined here for convenience:

Feature Rank Affected area Why it matters to Angular
CSS Scoping P0 Framework Angular (along with Vue and Svelte) emulates CSS scoping, keeping component styles from leaking out, but still allowing global styles to appy. Browser support for this behavior would simplify the implementations of all of these frameworks.
Produce consistent accessibility trees P1 Components We've run into issues over the years with different behaviors between browsers. While it's true that most problems stem from screen reader differences, having consistent browser behavior would reduce one source of variance.
Navigation API P1 Framework Stands to simplify Angular's router implementation if it were consistently supported in all browsers
Import Maps P1 Framework Supports deploying code as ES modules directly, without a bundling step
Sanitizer API? P2 Framework This would reduce the code necessary for Angular to sanitize HTML content
Container queries P2 Components Game-changing power feature for CSS authors, not much needs to be said
:has P2 Components Game-changing power feature for CSS authors, not much needs to be said
Temporal P2 Framework & components Might simplify some datetime handing in a few framework APIs, but would make it possible to build a high quality datepickers and time pickers on the UI components side without complicated adapters for 3rd party libraries (Moment, Luxon, date-fns, Date.js, goog.date)
Pointer and mouse events P2 Components Inconsistent behavior here is a common source of debugging woes for UI component development
inert P3 Components We have quite a bit of code to do focus trapping for dialogs today; inert could potentially simplify this
:dir P3 Components More correct over current approach of [dir="rtl"] and would eliminate the need for custom code to track the direction in JS
:blank P3 Components Convenient, especially for Material-style floating label inputs (in combination with :has)
:empty P3 Components Convenient, especially for Material-style floating label inputs (in combination with :has)
Clipboard API P4 Components Nice to have, but current solution is mostly fine
Focus outline P4 Components Could simplify focus rings (go/gm3-focus-rings in Wiz, strong focus in Angular), but would need to also include outline-radius
Range syntax for media and container queries P4 Components Convenient, nice to have
robnyman commented 1 year ago

I should just mention that @jelbourn in the Angular team and @kara at Google have also helped tremendously with gathering these needs.

BearCooder commented 1 year ago

Just a quick suggestion - if you gather input from Angular team for interop proposals it would be great to get input from the React and Vue team too.

You can get in touch with @gaearon Dan for React for example. He is even tweeting about borked things across different browser sometimes.

gsnedders commented 1 year ago

Could you copy these into each of the respective issues? Easier to know what was said about each one, rather than having to reference this.

kara commented 1 year ago

Just a quick suggestion - if you gather input from Angular team for interop proposals it would be great to get input from the React and Vue team too.

Agreed! We asked those two teams for input last week (as well as a few others) and are waiting to hear back.

kbrilla commented 1 year ago

Hi @kara, is there any response from React/Vue/Svelte, etc.. teams?

foolip commented 1 year ago

@kbrilla note that we're in the final stages of finishing up Interop 2023 for launch, so additional feedback at this point won't change Interop 2023.

That being said, it could always inform what we do in the future.

foolip commented 1 year ago

Interop 2023 launched yesterday, so closing this.