web-platform-tests / interop

web-platform-tests Interop project
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Remove css/css-cascade/scope-starting-style.html from `@starting-style & transition-behavior` focus-area #641

Closed dholbert closed 4 months ago

dholbert commented 4 months ago

Test List



This test uses the @scope CSS feature (and appears to require this feature in order to pass).

@scope isn't inherently part of or related to @starting-style & transition-behavior. It's nice to test the interaction, but it doesn't make sense to have @scope as an implicit implementation requirement for another interop-2024 focus area.

(Note that @scope isn't broadly available yet -- Safari only has it enabled in TP, and Firefox doesn't have it implemented at all yet -- we've got someone looking at implementing, but nonetheless we'd prefer not to tie it to this mostly-unrelated focus area.)

dholbert commented 4 months ago

(Note: it seems this test was included in this focus area simply because the proposal in #582 had a proposed-test-list that matched any WPT with starting-style in the name, which includes this one.)

nt1m commented 4 months ago

seems fine

dholbert commented 4 months ago

Thanks @nt1m!

@josepharhar is this fine with you? (removing scope-starting-style.html from the starting-style interop focus area here)

josepharhar commented 4 months ago

is @scope part of interop2024? If it is, then this test should be part of something in interop2024, right? If not then it seems fine to remove

nt1m commented 4 months ago

@scope is not part of Interop 2024

dholbert commented 4 months ago
